Time£º 2016-04-28 00:00:00
Author£º ÉϺ£ÓÀÀû¼¯ÍÅ
Application of Bar LCD
Transportation:bus and subway station announcement display, passenger guidance display system of station, wharf and airport, urban road information prompt and traffic signal light, variable information system of expressway
Finance: bank interest rate screen, exchange rate screen, stock market display system
Trading market: talent trading center, land and real estate trading center, department stores, motor vehicles, grain trading market, etc
Communications: post and telecommunications business hall, telecom, mobile business hall
Medical treatment: hospital, health care hospital, blood clinic hall
Government agencies: public security bureau hall, court, procuratorate hall
Traffic police hall: national tax bureau, local tax bureau tax hall, industrial and commercial bureau pay fees hall, government administration service hall
Power: electricity bureau business hall, dispatch center information display board
Sports: stadium, gymnasium, arena, recreation playground
Square public display terminal, Army command center, School canteen information display, garden district property management, landmark buildings, municipal square enterprise publicity
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